Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tristan and Isolde - movie

Overall, this movie was enjoyable if a bit shallow. The story is beautiful, closely along the lines with Lancelot and Guenevere, although the ending is a bit sappy. The movie doesn't do a very good job of showing the conflict in either Tristold or Isolde. Isolde actually seems a bit of a strumpet rather than someone torn between duty and love. Tristan's conflict between his dedication to Lord Mark and his love for Isolde is shown mostly by frequent walking in the woods and head-shots of the actor (who actually played a much-better Harry in the Spiderman series). Although the music, costumes, and scenery are all beautifully done, the story could definitely be done more justice.
Recommendation: May be worth it on a lazy rainy afternoon.

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