Monday, April 28, 2008

Dao De Jing - Lao Zi

This is actually a very interesting translation (I don't remember the translator's name unfortunately) with a lot of comparisons to both Sun Tzu and Confucius. It is more a guide for governing than for life, focusing on following the dao (or the way) in everything you do. The central theme seems to be live life laissez faire and you'll be happy - let things happen on their own and don't try to over-regulate. Also, as far as government goes, humbleness and simpleness is the key. Interesting - although I'm not exactly sure I agree with it.

The Little Book of Hindu Deities - Sanjay Patel

This is really cute actually. An American/Indian Pixar animator draws Hindu Deities 'Hello Kitty' Style and then gives a brief primer as to their role in the pantheon. Pretty accurate as far as I can tell, and a good introduction to the uninitiated.

Monday, April 21, 2008

all the king's men - robert penn warren

I loved this novel. The language was beautiful, the characters real and sympathetic at the same time. You feel horrible with the tragedy of Tom. You even feel for Willie - although Adam is a bit of a caricature. I love Jack Burden - although the surprise about his parentage isn't really addressed very much. I'm surprised he doesn't talk about it more - just kind of uses it to bring his other points home. What a wonderful description of the life of a politician.

midnight in the garden of good and evil - john berendt

Supposedly non-fiction - it tells about "life in Savannah". Definitely interesting, not at all what you would expect from the south. I have to say that the snapshot provided is sensational and definitely a pretty thin pie wedge, however. You get more of a sampling and less of a feel for people's actual lives. That being said, I enjoyed it. I wonder what the movie is like?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke

I really like this book, although it took me forever to read because of the kid and work and other stressors. That being said, it was kind of light fare and I didn't think that the end did it justice. I'm such a sucker for a happy ending. The use of fiction in a historical context was done very well - very believably, but at the end of the day I was kind of forced to wonder what was the point. Plus, I was so sad that Arabella and Strange didn't end up together.