Monday, June 14, 2010

Swiss Family Robinson - Johann David Wyss

As anyone who reads this blog is already aware of, I'm not one for morality tales. I was hoping this would be an adventure flick unlike Robinson Crusoe, but apparently the author used Crusoe as a model. This tale of stranded travelers focuses on the strengths of ingenuity and self-reliance, while highlighting the nature of prayer in good family values. It's more a teaching manual for youths than a travel or adventure story, and the core goodness and lack of selfishness in all the characters doesn't really resonate with today's reader, who is more used to strife and conflict. Hard-work and accepting your fate are strongly emphasized, and it bothered me quite a bit that they didn't ever try to leave. The role of the mother as a helpless cook and support in particular rubs me the wrong way.

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