Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Life in the United States, 1920-1940: How Americans Lived Through the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression - David E. Kyvig

This is an interesting history that focuses more on the effects of new technology development and social change of different groups of 'everyman' than on the driving forces behind the history of this tumultuous time. It attempts to sound objective; however, there's a definite progressive slant and very little critique on things that were obvious failings. Every new development is assumed to be an advance from the past (and some definitely were), but this book doesn't discuss in enough detail the long-term effects these decisions had on American culture and way of life. That being said, my timing of reading this book during the current "economic downturn" has certainly given me new perspective on some of the present policy decisions and their potential implications for the future. While government guidelines/regulations and guarantees may help restore customer faith in independent enterprise, indiscriminate government spending (and commercial interest involvement in Washington) has historically not boded well or been effective in economic turn-around.

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