Monday, November 19, 2007

Journey to Ixtlan - carlos castaneda

This was defintiely an interesting book. Given to me by a friend, it isn't the type of thing I'd normally read. The title says it all - it's a personal journey book. Although it doesn't have any good and hard recommendations, it suggests that the way to become a "warrior" is to find a way (either though hallucination or drugs or some other means) to step outside of the view of "reality" that society places on you at birth ('stop the world'). Very Nietzsche. When you're a warrior, you never regret your actions because you know you made every choice for the right reasons, even if it didn't turn out the way you like. Another main point is that you are constantly being followed around by your death - which is with you always and you have to come to terms with it. It gives no suggestions about what happens outside of this life, and the suggestion that you can never go back to where you came from is slightly frightening. As is the claim that it's not allegorical but a straight-up "true" story from an anthropologist. An OK read - but maybe would be better after having read the other 2 books by this author.

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